Data Sources and their Licences for the Application in GreenNav

for Degree: 

Today, society is aware that using energy inefficiently and producing carbon dioxide
threatens the world’s ecosystem. Green Navigation helps to drive more ecologically by
choosing energy-efficient routes. Gathering geographical data and determining environ-
mental resistances encountered when driving a car, enables to compute such routes.
In this thesis, geographical data such as OpenStreetMap road network data, including
information concerning the speed limit and the surface of the roads, is combined with
SRTM altitude data. The result forms an input source for a Green Navigation system.
Post-processing mechanisms, based on the graph problem of strongly connected compo-
nents are used, including the algorithm of Tarjan. The data model of OpenStreetMap and
Osmosis, a tool and library for parsing and processing OpenStreetMap data, are described.
An implementation for the GreenNav project at the Universität zu Lübeck is developed and