jUnitRV - Adding Runtime Verification to jUnit

TitlejUnitRV - Adding Runtime Verification to jUnit
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsDecker, N, Leucker, M, Thoma, D
Conference NameNASA Formal Methods
VolumeLNCS 7871
PublisherSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

This paper presents jUnitRV as a tool extending the unit testing framework jUnit by runtime verification capabilities. Roughly, jUnitRV provides a new annotation @Monitors listing monitors that are synthesized from temporal specifications. The monitors check whether the currently executed tests satisfy the correctness properties underlying the monitors. As such, jUnit's concept of plain assert-based verification limited to checking properties of single states of a program is extended significantly towards checking properties of complete execution paths.

Refereed DesignationRefereed
@inproceedings {909,
	title = {jUnitRV - Adding Runtime Verification to jUnit},
	booktitle = {NASA Formal Methods},
	volume = {LNCS 7871},
	year = {2013},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
	organization = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
	abstract = {<p>This paper presents jUnitRV as a tool extending the unit testing framework jUnit by runtime verification capabilities. Roughly, jUnitRV provides a new annotation @Monitors listing monitors that are synthesized from temporal specifications. The monitors check whether the currently executed tests satisfy the correctness properties underlying the monitors. As such, jUnit{\textquoteright}s concept of plain assert-based verification limited to checking properties of single states of a program is extended significantly towards checking properties of complete execution paths.</p>
	author = {Normann Decker and Martin Leucker and Daniel Thoma}